The Fantastic Promo

I apologise, since this campaign is pretty much untranslatable.
For their latest promotion (you buy 4 bottles, you get one for free), Pepsi wanted to do something that everyone could understand. Simple, easy and fun. So we used something that was very popular at that moment: Manchester United's star Carlos Tévez and his dreadful English language.
We presented The Fantastic Promo, a promotion so simple that even Carlos Tévez could explain it in English. To emphasize the comedy, longside Tévez was Ever Ludueña, a popular comedic character that represents a failed, untalented footballer.
The campaign was a success in every way: Pepsi sold more than expected, Tévez changed his image positively (from dumb footballer to someone humble who can laugh at his own flaws), and it allowed the agency to lead Pepsi's promotional campaigns for the following three years (until the agency closed).

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